This collections contain arts-based education research from my inquiry of Irish Primary Year Educators' creative practices. These pieces explore analogies of educational motifs, like themes of "unlearning," deconstructing instruction, deciphering how we learn to read text and imagery, and more. My practice came to align with a/r/tography (art/ research/ teaching) and "living inquiry" (the holistic study of life, teaching, research, art and auto-ethnography [self documentation]). Furthermore, these methods and works resulted from the experience of designing my own Masters in Art Therapy, Art Education, and Arts and Process through Uversity (Ireland). Alongside five other women, we were the first students of this creative education concept, and are ambassadors for the program, today.

How We Learn to Read

"Looking through acetate printing plate to imitate texture as abstraction," 24x36 inches, monoprint, 2015.

"Infinite Routes," performance and digital video, 2015.

"Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor," 4 drawings and 4 photos, 9x11 inches each, 2015.

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor, details

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

Mimetic Compositions from the Studio Floor detail

"Making Two Pieces Simultaneously at the Spill Station, Demonstration," performance and digital video, 2015.

"Backside series" alternative paper surfaces and acrylic paint, 8x10 inches each, 2015.

"Backside" series, detail

"Today's Subject: The Teacher," 9x11 inches ea, 6 monoprints.


Print imitation of Roman wax tablets for rote and note taking when learning from teacher or mentor, 2015.
"Layers of a Brick," 9 x 11 inches, digital print, 2015.

"Scroll," 24x36 inches, monoprint, 2015.

"I," 24x26 inches, monoprint, 2015.

Layer studies


Layer studies


Layer studies

Explorations on wax paper

Explorations on wax paper

Irish wall brick, transferred to fabric

Rock texture sketches