This installation work includes digital collage and projected video, which was presented in a small room of the Palazzetto Cenci, in Rome. The characters of the video face opposing forces that affect their perceptions of a landscape photography slideshow, for better and worse. The tiles of the infinity loop mosaic, shown in the digital collage, are like windows of opportunity, filled with images from the landscapes and travels around them, representing for an optimistic chance at seeing beyond the surface. The installation's room and its very tiled walls became part of the piece and the inception of frame into frame, viewpoint into viewpoint. This complex piece regarding individual perception and external influence conceptualizes the vast connections between framing as context and experience as opinion-forming.
The work was created after four months studying in Rome, in the European Honors Program, offered by the Rhode Island School of Design.
A Pessimist Learning to Be an Optimist
Digital collage and video projection installation
Landscape photography in video
Masked figures appear in mirage
Masked figures affect characters' perceptions for better and worse
The hands frame in the shape of the mosaic

Infinity loop mosaic filled with photographic windows

Mosaic detail